National Physics Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National Measurement Institute and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available.
National Physics Laboratory & G9
The National Physics Laboratory & G9
Home to 500 scientists and over 400 of the world’s most sophisticated measuring laboratories working in partnership with Bouygues Energies and Services, we provide the technical maintenance services and carry out project work. Both are delivered through an integrated service model, which allows the building to perform at the highest level, so that the core business of NPL can be delivered without disruption to its services.
We have designed and installed over a million-pound worth of laboratories with meticulous detail ensuring we meet the clients and scientists key requirements.
When we were asked to design and fit out the NanoSIMS (Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry) laboratory, we had no idea that there are only a few of these installed in the world and how unique the science behind this is.
The NanoSIMS is a unique imaging mass spectrometer capable of mapping up to 7 isotopic masses simultaneously at a high resolution, a revolutionary piece of equipment that is used by Scientists to identify