St Anthony’s College – Grade 2 Listed

St Anthony’s College –
Grade 2 Listed


Grade 2 listed refurbishment



Brief Scope

The Hilda Besse Building is an iconic grade 2 listed building in the heart of a busy student campus. We completed various elements of builder’s and fit out works as well as the installation of upgrade M&E services. Of particular note was the refurbishment of the decorative ceiling coffers in the main hall and window replacements in the listed facade:

1) The ceiling coffers, which housed the hall lighting were carefully removed and taken to our workshop for refurbishment. We tried various timber finishes, such as varnishing and spray oils, to ensure that we captured the right look. The options were presented for Client approval before we refurbished all the coffers and reinstalled.

2) During the replacement works for the external windows we identified that the timber frames were rotten and needed to be replaced. Therefore, we removed these frames and had replacements made to match to allow us to install the windows.

3) Parquet floors were also restored throughout the building.

Again, all services were discretely concealed using existing voids or behind panelling that was in keeping with the character of the building. All works were overseen by the client’s heritage consultant.