Dower House

DOWER HOUSE – Grade 2 Listed

Komfort Services were awarded the planning and proposed redevelopment of Dower House, a Grade 2 listed building.  The prestigious site comes with an array of rich history and our aim is to transform and restore the building to its original residential acclaim.  We are presently consulting and working with various parties to agree the best way forward.


Present Works completed

We have carried out the removal of old rubbish that had accumulated over the years causing health and safety issues including, pruning of trees to remove dangerous low level obstructions and ground vegetation to make the site more manageable.

We also removed the dilapidated security fencing and have replaced this with a secure decorative attractive site hoarding as agreed with Hillingdon Borough Council and to the satisfaction of the residents.  The hoarding has a newly installed gate and we will ensure that the entrance to the side road is kept clear and free of obstructions.


Future Proposal:

We are actively reviewing a number of potential design layouts with a view to ensure that the most appropriate one is selected.  In the meantime we will continue to ensure that the site condition and cleanliness is maintained.  We appreciate that there are a number of trees to the front wall section that require pruning as they are over the footpath and road, however, these trees are under a Tree Protection Order and we are liaising with the Local Authority about this.

We will keep you updated on the developments progress.


Mick Edwards and Ray Carter of Komfort Services standing in front of the newly installed decorative hoarding at Dower House.

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