Delivering works and providing facilities in the education sector is rewarding as it enables a safe and compliant environment where children can grow and achieve their full potential.
Our role in the
Education Sector for our clients

I am emailing to thank Komfort for their hard work in delivering works at Atwood and Selhurst Schools over the last 2 weeks. Not only has this been a compressed schedule but your teams have been very flexible in not only delivering their assigned works, but providing assistance to other contractors whilst on site, namely the laying of a contrite plinth in the Atwood boiler house at such short notice. Without this, a major delay to other works would have occurred. They have conducted themselves in a very professional manner and have had nothing but praise from site staff in the areas they have been working at Selhurst Early Years Centre which has been in use whilst they have been working there.
The lighting upgrade that your Komfort Team has delivered made a massive impact on how the school looks, with the head teachers at each of the schools commenting on what a difference their work has made. As with my experiences with Komfort, they have quoted, mobilised and delivered works at a fast pace making them a contractor I will certainly be using again for further projects in the London Borough of Croydon.
The London Borough for Croydon
Very Professional